Connecting forest soil properties with ecosystem services: Toward a better use of digital soil maps—A review


The soil supports many ecosystem services (ES) essential to human well‐being. Rapid developments in digital soil mapping (DSM) allow the mapping of soil types and soil properties with improved resolution and accuracy. However, the potential of DSM to improve the assessment and mapping of ES is not fully exploited. To better understand this potential, we synthesized the peer‐reviewed literature. We examined what empirical studies reveal about the role of soil properties in the assessment of four major ES provided by the forest: (I) timber production, (II) soil carbon storage, (III) regulation of water flow and provision of clean water, and (IV) the soil as a habitat for organisms. Results revealed that soil properties are strongly related to the provision of ES. Therefore, using DSM could greatly improve the assessment of the ES provided by forests. Several variables were related to specific ES regardless of region or …

Soil Science Society of America Journal

abstract: “The soil supports many ecosystem services (ES) essential to human well‐being. Rapid developments in digital soil mapping (DSM) allow the mapping of soil types and soil properties with improved resolution and accuracy. However, the potential of DSM to improve the assessment and mapping of ES is not fully exploited. To better understand this potential, we synthesized the peer‐reviewed literature. We examined what empirical studies reveal about the role of soil properties in the assessment of four major ES provided by the forest: (I) timber production, (II) soil carbon storage, (III) regulation of water flow and provision of clean water, and (IV) the soil as a habitat for organisms. Results revealed that soil properties are strongly related to the provision of ES. Therefore, using DSM could greatly improve the assessment of the ES provided by forests. Several variables were related to specific ES regardless of region or …” authors:

Erik J.S. Emilson
Erik J.S. Emilson
Research Scientist, Watershed Ecology Team Lead, Associate Editor CJFR

I am interested in how forests support freshwater ecosystem services. My research combines microbial and molecular approaches to undertand how forest productivity and disturbances affect ecosystem functions in headwater streams and lakes.

Lisa Venier
Lisa Venier
Research Scientist

I research biota (large and small) as indicators of sustaniable forest management