Watershed characteristics and chemical properties govern methyl mercury concentrations within headwater streams of boreal forests in Ontario, Canada


Methyl mercury (MeHg) concentrations in boreal headwater streams are influenced by complex natural processes and disturbances such as forestry management. Understanding drivers of MeHg within boreal streams in Ontario, Canada, is of particular interest as there are legacy MeHg concerns. However, models accounting for the complexity of underlying processes have not yet been developed. We assessed how catchment characteristics and stream water chemistry influence MeHg concentrations within 19 watersheds of the Dryden – Wabigoon Forest in Ontario, Canada, using a structural equation modelling (SEM) approach. Despite the study area encompassing a large variation of boreal forest watersheds in the Canadian Shield, our SEM had substantial explanatory power across the region (χ251 = 45.37, p-value = 0.70, R2 = 0.75). Nitrate concentrations (p-value <0.001), water temperature (p-value = 0 …

Journal of Environmental Management
Erik J.S. Emilson
Erik J.S. Emilson
Research Scientist, Watershed Ecology Team Lead, Associate Editor CJFR

I am interested in how forests support freshwater ecosystem services. My research combines microbial and molecular approaches to undertand how forest productivity and disturbances affect ecosystem functions in headwater streams and lakes.