Understanding the impacts of harvest and subsequent silviculture practices at stand scales on the below-ground biota, and their associated nutrient cycling processes, is needed to more fully evaluate the sustainable management of boreal forest systems. While stand replacing wildfire is the primary natural disturbance mechanism in jack pine-dominated boreal forest systems; clearcut harvest also results in stand renewal so is sometimes used in silvicultural systems to emulate natural disturbance and renewal processes. In this study, we simultaneously assessed the successional trajectories of three major taxa of the below ground soil community, bacteria, fungi, and arthropods using DNA metabarcoding. The objectives of this study were to use a chronosequence framework to: 1) assess whether the soil communities following clearcut harvest and wildfire converge along a successional gradient, 2) assess when the soil community recovers following clearcut harvest to the pre-disturbance, mature, wildfire reference condition, and 3) assess the effects of cumulative disturbance on soil community succession (i.e., wildfire followed by salvage harvesting of fire-killed trees). We found that richness (alpha diversity) did not illustrate any clear patterns of convergence and could, therefore, underestimate recovery times, especially for soil arthropods. Comparisons of the underlying community composition (beta diversity) proved to be more informative. In this case, we found that different soil taxa following clearcut harvest recovered on different timelines compared with succession following stand-replacing wildfire. In general, bacteria appear to be the first …