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Journal article
The molecular diversity of dissolved organic matter in forest streams across central Canadian boreal watersheds
V Mangal
WY Lam
Erik J.S. Emilson
RW Mackereth
CPJ Mitchell
Source Document
Soil communities following clearcut and salvage harvest have different early successional dynamics compared with post-wildfire patterns
Understanding the impacts of harvest and subsequent silviculture practices at stand scales on the below-ground biota, and their …
Teresita M Porter
Dave Morris
Emily Smenderovac
Erik J.S. Emilson
Lisa Venier
Source Document
Response of stream habitat and microbiomes to spruce budworm defoliation: New considerations for outbreak management
Defoliation by eastern spruce budworm is one of the most important natural disturbances in Canadian boreal and hemi‐boreal forests with …
Madison McCaig
Karen A Kidd
Emily Smenderovac
Brittany G Perrotta
Caroline Emilson
Michael Stastny
Lisa Venier
Erik J.S. Emilson
Source Document
Connecting forest soil properties with ecosystem services: Toward a better use of digital soil maps—A review
The soil supports many ecosystem services (ES) essential to human well‐being. Rapid developments in digital soil mapping (DSM) allow …
David Paré
Fidèle Bognounou
Erik J.S. Emilson
Jérôme Laganière
Jason Leach
Nicolas Mansuy
Christine Martineau
Charlotte Norris
Lisa Venier
Kara Webster
Source Document
2023 Blueprint for Forest Carbon Science in Canada
J. Edwards C. Smyth
J. Metsaranta
M. Fortin
S. Le Noble
H. MacDonald
J. Wolfe
C. Boisvenue
J. Laganière
J. Krakowski
X. Zhu
D. Paré
P. Tompalski
Erik J.S. Emilson
K. Webster
M. Dosanjh
Lisa Venier
Predicting present and future habitats using LiDAR to integrate research and monitoring with landscape analyses
Managed forests contribute to both economic and non-timber values, but the ecological role of managed, including planted, forests to …
David A MacLean
Thomas Baglole
Maurane Bourgouin
Billie Chiasson
Jiban C Deb
Maitane Erdozain
Remus J James
Lauren Negrazis
Louka Tousignant
Phil Wiebe
Greg Adams
Joseph R Bennett
Erik J.S. Emilson
Nicole J Fenton
Graham J Forbes
Michelle A Gray
Karen A Kidd
Andrew McCartney
Gaetan Moreau
Kevin B Porter
Osvaldo Valeria
Lisa Venier
Source Document
Effects of spruce budworm defoliation on in-stream algal production and carbon use by food webs
Insect defoliation is a widespread cause of forest disturbance in Canada, and it has the potential to alter terrestrial carbon …
K Sally Ju
Karen A Kidd
Michael Stastny
Michelle A Gray
Lisa Venier
Erik J.S. Emilson
Source Document
Restoring forest ecosystem services through trait-based ecology
Restoration is moving towards a more mechanistic approach that emphasizes restoration of ecosystem services. Trait-based approaches …
Isabelle Aubin
Élise Deschênes
Kierann Santala
Erik J.S. Emilson
Amanda L Schoonmaker
Anne CS McIntosh
Bérenger Bourgeois
Françoise Cardou
Angélique Dupuch
I Tanya Handa
Mélanie Lapointe
Jonathan Lavigne
Audrey Maheu
Solange Nadeau
M Anne Naeth
Eric W Neilson
Philip A Wiebe
Source Document
Long-term trend and drivers of inter-annual variability of surface water dissolved organic carbon concentration in a forested watershed
Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations have increased over the past few decades in surface waters across Europe and North …
Fougère Augustin
Daniel Houle
Christian Gagnon
Martin Pilote
Erik J.S. Emilson
Jason A Leach
Kara L Webster
Source Document
Stable isotope analysis provides novel insights for measuring lake ecosystem recovery following acidification
Unstable and simplified freshwater food webs impair the resilience of Canadian fisheries facing environmental stressors. This study …
Jade Dawson
Matthew M Guzzo
John M Gunn
Erik J.S. Emilson
Kevin S McCann
Brie Edwards
Source Document
Copper-Induced Chemosensory Impairment is Reversed by a Short Depuration Period in Northern Clearwater Crayfish (Faxonius propinquus)
Crayfish rely on their chemosensory system for many essential behaviours including finding food, finding mates, and to recognize …
Andrew Arndt
Erik J.S. Emilson
William A Dew
Source Document
Soil carbon pools and fluxes following the regreening of a mining and smelting degraded landscape
Increasing forest cover by regreening mining and smelting degraded landscapes provides an opportunity for global carbon (C) …
Patrick A Levasseur
Julian Aherne
Nathan Basiliko
Erik J.S. Emilson
Michael D Preston
Eric PS Sager
Shaun A Watmough
Source Document
Logging disrupts the ecology of molecules in headwater streams
Global demand for wood products is increasing forest harvest. One understudied consequence of logging is that it accelerates …
Erika C. Freeman
Erik J.S. Emilson
Kara Webster
Thorsten Dittmar
Andrew J Tanentzap
Source Document
Increasing spruce budworm defoliation increases catchment discharge in conifer forests
Forest insect outbreaks cause significant reductions in the forest canopy through defoliation and tree mortality that modify the …
HK Sidhu
KA Kidd
Erik J.S. Emilson
M Stastny
Lisa Venier
Brian Kielstra
CPR McCarter
Source Document
Universal microbial reworking of dissolved organic matter along soil gradients
Soils are losing increasing amounts of carbon annually to freshwaters as dissolved organic matter (DOM), which, if degraded, can offset …
Erika C. Freeman
Erik J.S. Emilson
Thorsten Dittmar
Lucas PP Braga
Caroline Emilson
Tobias Goldhammer
Christine Martineau
Andrew Tanentzap
Source Document
Watershed characteristics and chemical properties govern methyl mercury concentrations within headwater streams of boreal forests in Ontario, Canada
Methyl mercury (MeHg) concentrations in boreal headwater streams are influenced by complex natural processes and disturbances such as …
Tyler J Harrow-Lyle
Wai Ying Lam
Erik J.S. Emilson
Robert W Mackereth
Carl PJ Mitchell
Stephanie J Melles
Source Document
Recovery of Smelter-Impacted Peat and Sphagnum Moss: a Microbial Perspective
Peatlands store approximately one-half of terrestrial soil carbon and one-tenth of non-glacial freshwater. Some of these important …
James Seward
Suzanna Bräuer
Peter Beckett
Pascale Roy-Léveillée
Erik J.S. Emilson
Shaun Watmough
Nathan Basiliko
Source Document
Integrating terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems to constrain estimates of land-atmosphere carbon exchange
In this Perspective, we put forward an integrative framework to improve estimates of land-atmosphere carbon exchange based on the …
Joan P Casas-Ruiz
Pascal Bodmer
Kelly Ann Bona
David Butman
Mathilde Couturier
Erik J.S. Emilson
Kerri Finlay
Hélène Genet
Daniel Hayes
Jan Karlsson
David Paré
Changhui Peng
Rob Striegl
Jackie Webb
Xinyuan Wei
Susan E Ziegler
Paul A Del Giorgio
Source Document
Understanding the effects of forest management on streams and rivers: A synthesis of research conducted in New Brunswick (Canada) 2014–2018
Forests play a major role in maintaining healthy streams and in providing ecosystem services such as clean drinking water, …
Maitane Erdozain
Karen A Kidd
Lauren Negrazis
Scott Capell
David Kreutzweiser
Michelle A Gray
Erik J.S. Emilson
Source Document
Viruses direct carbon cycling in lake sediments under global change
Global change is altering the vast amount of carbon cycled by microbes between land and freshwater, but how viruses mediate this …
Lucas PP Braga
Chloe Orland
Erik J.S. Emilson
Amelia A Fitch
Helena Osterholz
Thorsten Dittmar
Nathan Basiliko
Nadia CS Mykytczuk
Andrew J Tanentzap
Source Document
Tebufenozide has limited direct effects on simulated aquatic communities
The use of insecticides to control undesirable pest species in forestry has undergone a shift from broad spectrum to narrow spectrum …
Christopher Edge
Leanne Baker
Emily Smenderovac
Shane Heartz
Erik J.S. Emilson
Source Document
Long-term stream chemistry response to harvesting in a northern hardwood forest watershed experiencing environmental change
Previous studies of harvest impacts on stream chemistry from deciduous forests with seasonal snow cover have shown variable responses …
KL Webster
JA Leach
PW Hazlett
JM Buttle
Erik J.S. Emilson
IF Creed
Source Document
Effects of forest management on mercury bioaccumulation and biomagnification along the river continuum
Forest management can alter the mobilization of mercury (Hg) into headwater streams and its conversion to methylmercury (MeHg), the …
Lauren Negrazis
Karen A Kidd
Maitane Erdozain
Erik J.S. Emilson
Carl PJ Mitchell
Michelle Gray
Source Document
Long-Term Trends in pCO2 in Lake Surface Water Following Rebrowning
Over the last 40 years, dissolved organic carbon (DOC) has been increasing in freshwater across many boreal regions. The extent to …
M Couturier
YT Prairie
AM Paterson
Erik J.S. Emilson
PA del Giorgio
Source Document
Molecular correlations of dissolved organic matter with inorganic mercury and methylmercury in Canadian boreal streams
The molecular composition of dissolved organic matter (DOM) is increasingly recognized as fundamentally important to mercury transport …
V Mangal
WY Lam
H Huang
Erik J.S. Emilson
RW Mackereth
CPJ Mitchell
Source Document
Are There Longitudinal Effects of Forest Harvesting on Carbon Quality and Flow and Methylmercury Bioaccumulation in Primary Consumers of Temperate Stream Networks?
Forest harvesting affects dissolved organic matter (DOM) and aqueous mercury inputs as well as the food web structure in …
Kelli L Charbonneau
Karen A Kidd
David Kreutzweiser
Paul K Sibley
Erik J.S. Emilson
Nelson J O'Driscoll
Michelle A Gray
Source Document
Spring coherence in dissolved organic carbon export dominates total coherence in Boreal Shield forested catchments
The wide range of forested landscapes in boreal environments store and cycle substantial amounts of carbon, although the capacity of …
MQ Morison
SN Higgins
KL Webster
Erik J.S. Emilson
H Yao
NJ Casson
Source Document
Universal microbial reworking of dissolved organic matter along environmental gradients
Soils are losing increasing amounts of carbon annually to freshwaters as dissolved organic matter (DOM), which, if degraded, can …
Erika C. Freeman
Erik J.S. Emilson
Thorsen Dittmar
Lucas PP Braga
Caroline Emilson
Tobias Goldhammer
Christine Martineau
Gabriel Singer
Andrew J Tanentzap
Source Document
Acidification recovery in a changing climate: Observations from thirty-five years of stream chemistry monitoring in forested headwater catchments at the Turkey Lakes Watershed …
Long-term ecosystem studies are valuable for understanding integrated ecosystem response to global changes in atmospheric deposition …
KL Webster
JA Leach
D Houle
PW Hazlett
Erik J.S. Emilson
Source Document
Forest defoliator outbreaks alter nutrient cycling in northern waters
Insect defoliators alter biogeochemical cycles from land into receiving waters by consuming terrestrial biomass and releasing biolabile …
Samuel G Woodman
Sacha Khoury
Ronald E Fournier
Erik J.S. Emilson
John M Gunn
James A Rusak
Andrew J Tanentzap
Source Document
Elevated Allochthony in Stream Food Webs as a Result of Longitudinal Cumulative Effects of Forest Management
The river continuum concept (RCC) predicts a downstream shift in the reliance of aquatic consumers from terrestrial to aquatic carbon …
Maitane Erdozain
Karen A Kidd
Erik J.S. Emilson
Scott Capell
David Kreutzweiser
Michelle A Gray
Source Document
hydroweight: Inverse distance-weighted rasters and landscape attributes
hydroweight calculates landscape attributes based on distances to waterbodies — areas nearby have more influence than those farther …
Brian Kielstra
Rob Mackereth
Stephanie Melles
Erik J.S. Emilson
Source Document
Patterns and trends in lake concentrations of dissolved organic carbon in a landscape recovering from environmental degradation and widespread acidification
Concentrations of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) have increased in lakes throughout North America and Europe over the last three …
LJ Hall
Erik J.S. Emilson
B Edwards
SA Watmough
Source Document
Turkey Lakes Watershed, Ontario, Canada: 40 years of interdisciplinary whole-ecosystem research
The Turkey Lakes Watershed (TLW) study is a federal, interdepartmental study established in 1979 to investigate the effects of acid …
Kara L Webster
Jason A Leach
Paul W Hazlett
Robert L Fleming
Erik J.S. Emilson
Daniel Houle
Kara HY Chan
Fariborz Norouzian
Amanda S Cole
Jason M O'Brien
Karen E Smokorowski
Stephanie A Nelson
Shelagh D Yanni
Source Document
Forest management impacts on stream integrity at varying intensities and spatial scales: Do biological effects accumulate spatially?
The effects of forest harvesting on headwaters are quite well understood, yet our understanding of whether impacts accumulate or …
Maitane Erdozain
Karen A Kidd
Erik J.S. Emilson
Scott Capell
T. Luu
David Kreutzweiser
Michelle A Gray
Source Document
Forest management impacts on stream integrity at varying intensities and spatial scales: Do abiotic effects accumulate spatially?
Though effects of forest harvesting on small streams are well documented, little is known about the cumulative effects in downstream …
Maitane Erdozain
Karen A Kidd
Erik J.S. Emilson
Scott Capell
David Kreutzweiser
Michelle A Gray
Source Document
Variables affecting resource subsidies from streams and rivers to land and their susceptibility to global change stressors
Stream and river ecosystems provide subsidies of emergent adult aquatic insects and other resources to terrestrial food webs, and this …
Jeffrey D Muehlbauer
Stefano Larsen
Micael Jonsson
Erik J.S. Emilson
Source Document
Lake characteristics influence how methanogens in littoral sediments respond to terrestrial litter inputs
Shallow lake sediments harbor methanogen communities that are responsible for large amounts of CH 4 flux to the atmosphere. These …
Kurt M Yakimovich
Chloe Orland
Erik J.S. Emilson
Andrew J Tanentzap
Nathan Basiliko
Nadia CS Mykytczuk
Source Document
The ecobiomics project: Advancing metagenomics assessment of soil health and freshwater quality in Canada
Transformative advances in metagenomics are providing an unprecedented ability to characterize the enormous diversity of microorganisms …
Thomas A Edge
Donald J Baird
Guillaume Bilodeau
Nellie Gagne
Charles Greer
David Konkin
Glen Newton
Armand Séguin
Lee Beaudette
Satpal Bilkhu
Alexander Bush
Wen Chen
Jérôme Comte
Janet Condie
Sophie Crevecoeur
Nazir El-Kayssi
Erik J.S. Emilson
Donna-Lee Fancy
Iyad Kandalaft
Izhar UH Khan
Ian King
David Kreutzweiser
David Lapen
John Lawrence
Christine Lowe
Oliver Lung
Christine Martineau
Matthew Meier
Nicholas Ogden
David Paré
Lori Phillips
Teresita M Porter
Joel Sachs
Zachery Staley
Royce Steeves
Lisa Venier
Teodor Veres
Cynthia Watson
Susan Watson
James Macklin
Source Document
Variations in terrestrial arthropod DNA metabarcoding methods recovers robust beta diversity but variable richness and site indicators
Terrestrial arthropod fauna have been suggested as a key indicator of ecological integrity in forest systems. Because phenotypic …
Teresita M Porter
Dave M Morris
Nathan Basiliko
Mehrdad Hajibabaei
Daniel Doucet
Susan Bowman
Erik J.S. Emilson
Caroline Emilson
Derek Chartrand
Kerrie Wainio-Keizer
Armand Séguin
Lisa Venier
Source Document
Chemical and microbial diversity covary in fresh water to influence ecosystem functioning
Invisible to the naked eye lies a tremendous diversity of organic molecules and organisms that make major contributions to important …
Andrew J Tanentzap
Amelia Fitch
Chloe Orland
Erik J.S. Emilson
Kurt M Yakimovich
Helena Osterholz
Thorsten Dittmar
Source Document
Studying ecosystems with DNA metabarcoding: lessons from biomonitoring of aquatic macroinvertebrates
Alex Bush
Zacchaeus Greg Compson
Wendy Monk
Teresita M Porter
Royce Steeves
Erik J.S. Emilson
Nellie Gagne
Mehrdad Hajibabaei
Mélanie Roy
Donald Baird
Source Document
A Conceptual Framework for the Spruce Budworm Early Intervention Strategy: Can Outbreaks be Stopped?
The spruce budworm, Choristoneura fumiferana, Clem., is the most significant defoliating pest of boreal balsam fir (Abies balsamea (L.) …
Robert C Johns
Joseph J Bowden
Drew R Carleton
Barry J Cooke
Sara Edwards
Erik J.S. Emilson
Patrick James
Dan Kneeshaw
David A MacLean
Véronique Martel
Eric RD Moise
Gordon D Mott
Chris J Norfolk
Emily Owens
Deepa S Pureswaran
Dan T Quiring
Jacques Régnière
Brigitte Richard
Michael Stastny
Source Document
Microbiome functioning depends on individual and interactive effects of the environment and community structure
How ecosystem functioning changes with microbial communities remains an open question in natural ecosystems. Both present-day …
Chloe Orland
Erik J.S. Emilson
Nathan Basiliko
Nadia CS Mykytczuk
John M Gunn
Andrew J Tanentzap
Source Document
Ten-year assessment of the 100 priority questions for global biodiversity conservation
In 2008, a group of conservation scientists compiled a list of 100 priority questions for the conservation of the world’s …
Tommaso Jucker
Bonnie Wintle
Gorm Shackelford
Pierre Bocquillon
Jan Laurens Geffert
Tim Kasoar
Eszter Kovacs
Hannah S Mumby
Chloe Orland
Judith Schleicher
Eleanor R Tew
Aiora Zabala
Tatsuya Amano
Alexandra Bell
Boris Bongalov
Josephine M Chambers
Colleen Corrigan
América P Durán
Leslie-Anne Duvic-Paoli
Caroline Emilson
Erik J.S. Emilson
Jéssica Fonseca da Silva
Emma E Garnett
Elizabeth J Green
Miriam K Guth
Andrew Hacket-Pain
Amy Hinsley
Javier Igea
Martina Kunz
Sarah H Luke
William Lynam
Philip A Martin
Matheus H Nunes
Nancy Ockendon
Aly Pavitt
Charlotte LR Payne
Victoria Plutshack
Tim T Rademacher
Rebecca J Robertson
David C Rose
Anca Serban
Benno I Simmons
Catherine Tayleur
Claire FR Wordley
Nibedita Mukherjee
Source Document
Plant litter type dictates microbial communities responsible for greenhouse gas production in amended lake sediments
Kurt Michael Yakimovich
Erik J.S. Emilson
Michael A Carson
Andrew J Tanentzap
Nathan Basiliko
Nadia Christina Sofia Mykytczuk
Source Document
Feasting on terrestrial organic matter: Dining in a dark lake changes microbial decomposition
Boreal lakes are major components of the global carbon cycle, partly because of sediment-bound heterotrophic microorganisms that …
Amelia Fitch
Chloe Orland
David Willer
Erik J.S. Emilson
Andrew J Tanentzap
Source Document
Climate-driven shifts in sediment chemistry enhance methane production in northern lakes
Freshwater ecosystems are a major source of methane (CH 4), contributing 0.65 Pg (in CO 2 equivalents) yr- 1 towards global carbon …
Erik J.S. Emilson
Michael A Carson
Kurt M Yakimovich
Helena Osterholz
Thorsten Dittmar
JM Gunn
NCS Mykytczuk
N Basiliko
AJ Tanentzap
Source Document
Optical Properties of Dissolved Organic Matter and Their Relation to Mercury Concentrations in Water and Biota Across a Remote Freshwater Drainage Basin
Dissolved organic matter (DOM) includes an array of carbon-based compounds that vary in size and structure and have complex …
Gretchen L Lescord
Erik J.S. Emilson
Tom A Johnston
Brian A Branfireun
John M Gunn
Source Document